Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Purpose of this blog

I intend to use this blog to list and review books, movies, and radio and television programs that I think are worthy of mention. I also intend to use it to link to and comment on cultural and political issues and issues of faith.

I love to feed my head—with ideas. I regularly read the New York Times, The Atlantic Monthly, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Economist. I like to watch Frontline, Nature, and The American Experience  on public television and occasionally Charlie Rose. I listen to NPR when I drive and routinely download Fresh Air, Radio Lab, and Atlantic Monthly podcasts. I also love to read and sometimes listen to books on tape when I’m riding my bike. I’m partial to history and current affairs. I always have a big stack of books and magazines on hand patiently waiting to be read and that list has grown even larger with my Kindle.

I'm sure other uses will occur to me over time but the above will do for a start.

-Craig Roshaven

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